The Augusta Westland deal worth about Rs 3500 crores, perhaps, was riddled with corruption despite the Congress' plea & spirited defense to the contrary. Supply of only 3 innocuous documents to the Italian courts - when requested for legal support to identify the recipients - & initiation of measures to blacklist the firm in May 2014 , a few days before the UPA relinquished office or the surprising loss of many of the deal documents in an unexplained fire do not inspire confidence. However, since only 3 of the 12 helicopters were actually delivered, it could mean that only 25% of the proposed bribe amounts might have actually been transferred to the middlemen & perhaps not the final recipients; that could explain the defiant stance of Congress leaders some of whom demand that the money trail be proved & yet others promise to exit public life if the same were indeed proved.
However the BJP too has a lot to answer
(1)When the case was lost in the trial court in Italy why did the Indian govt. headed by the BJP not appeal in a higher court?
(2)Why did the CBI - the caged parrot - or the ED not accelerate proceedings into the matter despite the change in govt?
(3)Despite being blacklisted in June 2014, the firm entered into a JV with the Tatas' later; logically can it not be inferred that without a green signal from the govt. - the only buyer of defense equipment - no private entity in India would dare enter into an agreement with a tainted firm?
(4)Why did the BJP not agree to be part of a JPC (Joint Parliamentary committee) probe earlier & is loathe to accept a Supreme Court monitored probe - demanded by the opposition now - despite insisting on the same for all other cases like 2G, CWG et al? Why these double standards? Is the face off with the SC (Supreme Court) on the NJAC (National Judicial Appointments Committee) bill the reason for this stance?
(3)Despite being blacklisted in June 2014, the firm entered into a JV with the Tatas' later; logically can it not be inferred that without a green signal from the govt. - the only buyer of defense equipment - no private entity in India would dare enter into an agreement with a tainted firm?
(4)Why did the BJP not agree to be part of a JPC (Joint Parliamentary committee) probe earlier & is loathe to accept a Supreme Court monitored probe - demanded by the opposition now - despite insisting on the same for all other cases like 2G, CWG et al? Why these double standards? Is the face off with the SC (Supreme Court) on the NJAC (National Judicial Appointments Committee) bill the reason for this stance?
(5)Were the agencies asked to go slow by the BJP leadership as part of a deal? After all despite having the Vadra papers the BJP did not move an inch before 2014 when not in power & not after 2014 either when it is in power both in the states of Rajasthan and Haryana & the Centre.
Readers should remember that the National Herald case - where the Gandhi family is in the doldrums - is the handiwork of one man Subramanyam Swamy & not the BJP. Hope this case does not meet the same fate as Bofors. The common man is fed up with political shenanigans. A time bound investigation to nail the culprits & not necessarily noisy debates on national TV to gain brownie points is the need of the hour.
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