Chastened by the Karnataka verdict but not subdued, Prime
Minister, Narendra Modi led the BJP’s 4th anniversary celebration at Odisha –
a state they have already made deep in-roads & armed with promising plans to make substantial
gains in the 2019 Parliamentary elections in a bid to compensate for losses
elsewhere. Modi – not only the chief
mascot of the party but also its de-facto propaganda in chief - yet again
listed the achievements of his govt. in superlative terms only to be snubbed by his rival Rahul
Gandhi who awarded him an “F” grade in governance – “agriculture, foreign
policy, fuel prices & job creation”
& an “A+” in “slogan creation & self- promotion”. Obviously, the actual
achievements of the govt. lie in between the two extreme assessments.
Achievements Modi
can be Proud off
Swatch Bharat: Modi launched the Swatch Bharat
mission immediately on ascending to power, perhaps, influenced by Mahatma
Gandhi’s campaign during the freedom struggle. Building of 7.25 crore toilets in
villages & schools supported by TVC‘s helmed by influencers – Anushka
Sharma & Amitabh Bachchan – to drive behavioural changes, to encourage usage of toilets, in the masses - has
the potential to enhance health parameters & enrolment of more
girl-children into schools, many of who discontinue education, post
puberty, for want of privacy provided by toilets.
Ujala & Ujwala
Scheme: Modi sarkar
has driven savings in electricity costs by encouraging mass distribution of 90 crore LED bulbs (30 crore by govt. & 60 crore by pvt. sector) under the “Ujala” scheme; likewise, by setting a target of 175 GW of
renewable energy by 2022, they have driven solar costs down to Rs 2.46/- per unit;
at some point these cost savings should get transferred to the hoi polloi vide a
cut in electricity tariffs which is still due.
Similarly, the “Give It Up” campaign - that encouraged people to give up
the benefits of subsidized gas cylinders - was followed by delivering 3.8 crore free
LPG connections to BPL(Below Poverty Line) families in rural, thereby delivering twin benefits:
Eliminating rich recipients & hence saving on subsidy; & encouraging the
poor to shift to a cleaner fuel, thereby, enhancing the health of the
womenfolk who otherwise spent most of
the time near smoke emitting chulas inviting heart, lung & eye ailments.
These moves enhance environmental protection too & hence highly applauded.
The low refill rate of cylinders, though, appears a concern since BPL families
perhaps, still find it unaffordable. The govt., meanwhile, has announced plans to increase the BPL LPG connections target from 5 crores to 8 crores.
Achievements Modi
can be Partially Proud off /should share credit with his predecessors
Universal Insurance: Attempts
to make India an insured society by a contributory funding scheme of Rs 12/-
paid by the insuree for an accident insurance of 2 lakhs has benefitted 13.25 crore people & Rs 330/- for a
life insurance of 2 lakhs has aided 5.22 crore families; the Atal Pension Yojana for the
sexagenarians has benefitted over 1 crore unorganized sector workers & hence welcome.
However, launching “Ayushman Bharat” aka “Modicare”
in its last year, that too with a budget of about 2000 crores only, for
providing a 5 lakh health cover for 10 crore families (50 cr population) is too
little too late. Some of the states like AP, Telangana & Tamil Nadu are
already running health schemes & the cost of such schemes is higher than
the centre’s budget proposal, leading many to question if this is another “Chunavi
It is pertinent to note that the agriculture
insurance scheme has a payout of about Rs 20,000 crores annually (Rs 20,478 cr
in 2016-17) to the insurance companies even while payment to farmers is about
Rs 5,000 crores (5,650 crores in 2016-17) leading to supernormal profits for
the intermediaries. Hopefully, Modicare
delivers a better model.
Foreign Policy: India joined the MTCR (Missile
technology Control regime), in 2016 , Wassenaar Arrangement, dealing with
conventional arms & dual use goods & technologies, in 2017, & Australia Group, dealing with Chemical &
Biological weapons, in 2018 even while NSG
(Nuclear Suppliers Group) proved elusive largely because of China's intransigence in seeking Indian
parity with its iron brother- Pakistan.
Likewise, Indian soft power of Yoga has been expanded worldwide when the
UN, in 2016, declared 21st June as the World Yoga day. Similarly, hard power has been expanded vide LEMOA which secures
Indian Military access to US bases in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean &
Gaum in the Pacific; likewise agreements with France give access to her military bases in Djibouti
& Reunion Islands near Madagascar; similar agreements have been inked
with Singapore & potentially Indonesia for greater access east of Andamans.
Furthermore, India will build its own base at Seychelles & Mauritius amidst
pending plans for one more at Oman to access the Persian Gulf - all wise
attempts to enhance India’s maritime reach & naval power.
However, India’s “Neighbourhood First” diplomacy is crumbling. Chinese stooge, KP Oli of the Communist Party of Nepal, has secured a
landslide majority – fanning nationalism & anti-India sentiment courtesy
the Indian blockade of Nepal, in 2015, to force a constitutional change for
incorporating the aspirations of the Madhesis. Maldives continues to cock a
snook at India & the Sri Lankan govt. is not as friendly as it once was
when it came to power, in 2014. Bhutan has refused to be part of the BBIN (Bangladesh-
Bhutan-India-Nepal) transport corridor ostensibly to prevent greater vehicular
movement in the kingdom that could imperial her ecology. Support to Myanmar on
the Rohingya issue & summersault soon thereafter to assuage the sentiments
of Bangladesh has ruffled feathers in both the nations leaving India poorer.
Economy: The macros under this govt. look
impressive & Modi never loses an opportunity to highlight that India moved
away from the despicable tag of the “Fragile Five” economies, of 2013, to become the fastest growing
large economy, in the world, & the investor darling during his regime, leading to the highest FDI of $60 billion against $36 billion per annum during
the UPA regime. Surprisingly, a jobless
growth scenario despite large FDI leads one to wonder if existing capacities
are being bought by foreign players without creation of new ones.
The government’s lists the passage of the GST bill as a great
achievement without acknowledging its own opposition to the bill, when on
the other side on the aisle, as the reason for the delay; the congress should
get the credit for initiating the bill & the BJP for passing it.
The government’s renegotiation of the Mauritius & the
Singapore tax treaties is laudable for it has foreclosed loopholes even while
the previous UPA govt. had dragged its feet.
To handle the “twin balance sheet” problem – companies with stressed balance
sheets unable to repay debt thereby impacting the balance sheets of the
creditor banks - & the consequent rise in NPA’s - the
government passed the IBC (Insolvency & Bankruptcy code) which is truly transformational; the
only regret is that insolvency professionals if appointed in the government's 2nd year of its term would have cleaned the banking system by now.
BJP spokespersons, unfortunately, have a knack of being economical with facts. Indian GDP growth rate, during 2013-14, is 4.7% as per old
series & 6.6% as per the new series & is likely to touch 6.6% again
in 2017-18 post a peak of 8% achieved midway in 2015-16. Party spokespersons touting growth increase from 4.7% of 2013-14 to 7.2% in Q3 2017-18 is akin to comparing apples & oranges - an intellectually dishonest strategy for propaganda gains. Growth thus has improved but not as massively as claimed & demonetization has effected growth negatively.
Indeed, fiscal deficit
of the centre has reduced by 1% from 4.5% in 2014 to 3.5% in 2016-17; states add an additional deficit of 3% leading to a combined national deficit of around 7.5% in 2013-14. Courtesy the “Uday” scheme on power
sector reform – that entails state takeover of debt from the state power companies books - state fiscal deficit has upped to about 4%; thus the combined
fiscal deficit of the centre & the states continues to hover around 7.5% as
in 2014. 1% of GDP is about 1.7 lakh crores; pertinent to note that Centre made
1.35 lakh crores as excise in oil in 2013-14 which increased to 3.22 lakh
crores in 2016-17 – an increase of 1.87 lakh crores. Thus the entire drop of 1%
in fiscal deficit is funded not by cutting flab or increasing efficiency but
merely by denying the common man the benefit of an unexpected drop in
international oil prices which is akin to lazy governance. Oil prices are rising
now & if domestic oil prices are increased, it would spur inflation &
consumer angst while keeping prices stable would entail increase in fiscal
deficit unless other tax avenues are suitably explored; clearly, the reduction
in fiscal deficit was a result of an unexpected windfall due to a non-recurrable favourable international event & the
Modi govt. had nothing to do with it & should not claim credit.
The govt. did keep inflation rate under 5% during its tenure
unlike the UPA whose inflation record trended at around 9%; this was achieved
by the favourable dip in international commodity prices – on which the Modi
govt. had no hold - & by an anaemic increase in MSP (Minimum Support
Prices) to farmers; if they do implement the Cost+50% pricing for farmers as
promised in the last budget, inflation shall shoot up.
Electrification of
Villages: India has
6.49 lakh villages & Modi claimed, in 2014, that it is the inefficiency of
the Congress govt. that 18500 villages continue to remain in the dark. Flip the
argument & you find that in 70 years about 6.3 lakh villages were electrified
at an average of 9000 villages per annum & if the Modi govt. had run at the
same pace the remaining villages would have been electrified in about 2years
while it actually took about 4 years. Surely, these villages are in remote
locations & the delay can be forgiven but running down opponents for the
sole sake of propaganda cannot be condoned.
Achievements Modi
should be Concerned about
Vigilantism: The hacking of Akhlaq in
UP, Pehlu Khan in Haryana & the Hindu Yuva Vahini imposing morality
codes in UP, creates a unease & societal schisms which could fuel violence
& give space to vested organizations under the guise of “Gau Rakshaks” to
become rent seekers. The govt. has till date treated these groups with kids'
gloves which could be exploited by organizations like ISIS, Al-Qaeda & inimical
foreign powers.
Key Institutions under
Attack: Positions
like the Lok Pal remain unfilled even after 4 years of the regime – a repeat of
what happened in Gujarat when Modi was CM.
Likewise, the govt. sought applications for 2 CIC (Chief Information
Commissioners) positions in Sept’16 & has not filled the positions even as
2 more CICs have since retired & 3 more of a total of 11 are set to retire
in 2018; clearly, these are attempts to weaken the RTI (Right to Information) act
which has otherwise helped in enhanced transparency.
The Judge Loya case alludes to the possibility of the
Judiciary under duress as buttressed by the 4 senior most judges of the Supreme
Court who revolted against the Chief Justice on the issue of "fixing of the roster" - an euphemism for constituting benches favourable to the govt. - & called for an unprecedented
press meet. Likewise, the trolling of journalists like Ravish Kumar &
sharing of the morphed nude images of Rana Ayub is indicative of a fascist
tendency of emasculating press freedom.
Even the decorum of Parliamentary proceedings has been
severely compromised. Recently, in Mar’18, the vote of no confidence on the
govt. was not debated ostensibly on the ground that the AIADMK & TDP
members were protesting in the well of the house; 27 no confidence motions have been raised since independence & none suffered the ignominy of a non-debate. The
reduction in the no of days the legislature is in session is another recent malady that denies people's representative the chance to raise an issue of public
interest on the floor of the house. These are ominous portends
for parliamentary democracy pleading for redressal.
Defence: India saw 4 defence Ministers in 4
years – Jaitley, Parrikar, Jaitley again & finally Nirmala which needless
to say effected policy direction. Despite attempts to shift towards a G2G (Govt.
to Govt.) contracts to outflank corruption allegations & accelerate procurement,
the govt. has failed in its resolve to accelerate the modernization of the forces. Meanwhile,
the Rafale deal is cast in a corruption cloud & debate on the same in
parliament is stalled; while the UPA negotiated the aircraft at a per unit cost
of Rs 526 crores with Transfer of Technology (TOT), the NDA govt. has closed
the deal at Rs 1670 crore apiece – without
TOT. The BJP claims advanced avionics as reason for the increased fare which is
not backed by facts; in-fact the govt. has paid much higher than Rafale’s other
clients -Egypt & Qatar. Another
intriguing question: Why are most defence contracts going to one Indian
Industrial group whose financial position is precarious?
Surprisingly, Defence spend has dipped to 1.58% of GDP in
2017-18, the lowest since 1962 even as the Army Chief boasts that India is
ready for a “two & a half front” war
which is a fallacy since his deputy, the Vice Chief told a Parliamentary Panel that only 8%
of capital equipment is state of art & 68% vintage. Are we being fed rhetoric
While “surgical strikes” on Pak, in 2016, as a response to
the attack on an army camp at Uri, is touted as a sign of resolute policy, that
it has not enforced deterrence indicates
otherwise; Pak continues to stoke violence in the vale. Rhetoric can manage passions on the Indian
mainland but continued adversarial acts by the enemy is reflective of lack of Indian
“capacity” to inflict disproportionate pain which needs to be remedied.
Jobs - Pakoda economics: The Modi govt. rode to power on the
promise of creating 2 crore jobs yearly & the assurance came a whimper
with 8 core industries data available showing about 4.16 lakh new jobs in
2016-17. Modi famously, during a TV interview, cited pakoda sellers as new jobs
created only to be ridiculed. Instead of accepting job losses – 14000 in
L&T, 4500 in HDFC, 90000 in Telecom, 56000 in IT etc. apart from the
jobless growth scenario, the govt. has meandered from showcasing “Mudra” to “Start-up
India” to now claim the EPFO data growth by 31 lakhs in 6 months – Sept 17 to
Feb 18 – as reflective of new jobs created. This is unlikely to pass muster
since formalization of informal jobs post demonetization has forced many firms
to register with the EPFO; former Finance Minister, Yashwant Sinha, avers that a
firm with 19 employees would be in the informal sector & addition of 1 more
employee pushes the company into the formal sector & all the 20 employees into
formal sector employment records even while the actual addition is only 1
The PM claims that Rs 6 lakh crores was issued to 12 crore
people under the “Mudra” scheme for self- employment to be countered by the Congress which claims that for 91% of the beneficiaries the average ticket size of loan was a mere Rs 23000/- - a mere tokenism that has failed to create jobs.
The “Start-up India”
scheme was launched with a corpus of Rs 10,000 crores but only 90.6 crores has
been disbursed till date indicating its failure; “Skill India” mission was discontinued
after training 41.3 lakh people since the placement rate is at an abysmal 15%
(6.15lakhs); the Minister for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Rajiv
Prasad Rudy, would not have lost his job, in 2017, if his performance was seen
as exemplary by the leadership.
Clearly, the govt. record on job creation is pathetic but is hell bent on inflating its achievements.
Clearly, the govt. record on job creation is pathetic but is hell bent on inflating its achievements.
Economic Fugitives: UPA 2 was thrown out of power for
what was seen as a monumental corrupt edifice & the Modi govt. was expected
to chart a new course. However, the
fleeing of economic offenders like Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi etc. sends across a
dubious signal that the new govt. is no different & no action taken on the
Panama papers, Paradise papers, Liechtenstein & HSBC account holders
strengthens the assessment.
Modi, definitely has the potential to be a
transformational leader although his actions indicate incrementalism in a bid to
sustain power. He should legitimately take credit for schemes like – Swatch
Bharat, Ujwala, Ujala & the insurance scheme - but must learn to share
credit with his predecessors for the JAM (Jan Dhan-Aadhar-Mobile) & the
GST; after all Aadhar was launched in 2009 by the UPA & the telecom
revolution was initiated, in 1995, by the Congress govt. to which the Vajpayee
govt. added momentum vide the CPP (Calling Party Pays Regime) in 2003. JAM trilogy led
to savings vide the DBT( Direct benefits transfer scheme) which incidentally was initiated by UPA II. On issues like vigilantism & the troll
army, the BJP should rethink just as they should on stratospheric propaganda to
prevent the the recurrence of the consequence of the “Shining India”
campaign of 2004.